Moving image is in some respects the epitimy of visual communication. Out of all the typographic advertisements, the illustrative ad campaigns and promotional material, a moving image piece has something other forms of promotion does not, moving narrative. The viewer in a sense does not need to do anything, but lay back and absorb the visual stimulus. So mastering the techniques behind moving image would be a worth wile pursuit for any visual communicator.
Principle 2 of the lecture identified a plotline used through many different films and how scriptwriters have found the perfect way to convey the narrative of a hero, in the limited time of an average length movie. “ Monomyth”, a perfect example of this would be Luke Skywalker’s journey in Star Wars. There is normally 3 main parts to this Voyage.
1: Departure- The sub elements being; The call to adventure ( princess Leia’s message), Refusal of the call ( must help with the harvest ), Supernatural aid ( Obi-wan rescues Luke from sand people), Crossing the first threshold ( Escaping Tatooine ), The belly of the whale ( Trash compactor ). This is the 1st sequence of the film lasting about 40 minutes.
2: Initiation- The sub elements being; The road of trials ( Light saber practise ), The meeting with the goddess ( Princess Leia ), Temptation away from the true path ( Luke is tempted by the dark side ), Atonement with the father ( Darth and Luke reconcile ), Apotheosis ( becoming god-like )( Luke becomes a Jedi), The ultimate boon ( Death star destroyed ). This is the 2nd sequence of the film, following perfect script writing tradition so far.
3: Return- The sub elements being; Refusal of the return ( “Luke, come on!” Luke wants to avenge Obi-Wan), Magic flight ( Millennium falcon ), Rescue from without ( Han saves Luke from Darth ), Crossing return threshold ( Millennium Falcon destroys pursuing TIE fighters), Master of the 2 worlds ( Victory ceremony ), Freedom to live ( Rebellion is victorious over Empire ). This is an awesome piece of storytelling and the reason I used it as an example.
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Stereotype |
Principle 3 highlighted character design, something which I find very interesting being an illustrator I often design characters, giving them backstories and history. Within moving image though, there are 4 main character types “ The Protagonist”, which usually is the main character in the storyline, experiences the conflict in the story and does not have to be good. “The Antagonist”, The cause of the problem but does not need to be an actual person. “ Dialogue “, These are the words a character uses within the storyline ultimately having an effect on how the audience perceives him or her. “ The Stereotype”, a character that is over simplified and lack any originality or individuality.
Magazine character I designed |
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